Look at the Levi's 501 care label 1984-1985.
The most difficult to find care label for Levi's jeans is the care label 1984-1985. It is only used for 2 years.
For care labels, Levi's 501 jeans, 1984 - 1985, which I actually only had in 1984, because I have only kept 2 characters in 1985, I still can't find it. But how does that look different? Things to consider in this care label One side will tell following details.
The red line is Lot.501 or we are familiar with Levi's 501 jeans.
The purple line below is the number 532, which is a production code in the United States. This number must match The number that is hammered behind the top button.
The blue line is W27, waist size 27 inches, L34, waist size 34 inches, must match the gasket label on the back of the jeans.
The image above is read as well. 501 is the Lot.501 number, number 520 is the number that is hammered behind the button.
We look at the care label 1984-1985 on the other side. The sign on this side has the numbers that take the red circle. The number is 4, meaning the year of manufacture 1984.
If it is 5, that is 1985.
ภาพด้านบนเหมือนกัน หมายเลข 4 ที่วงกลมสีแดงคือปีที่ผลิตปี 1984 ถ้าเป็น 5 นั่นคือปี 1985
Which must be considered as important is The label is a paper. Has the same fine texture as conventional paper. Keep old, brown out Like in the picture Not the same as the care label 1973-1983, which has a rough texture like mulberry paper.
Another point to consider is The letters printed on the care label 1984-1985. The numeric font will be the point of the ink that we had previously called digital printing. About that.
The 1984-1985 care label will have similar details. With the style, characteristics of the labels and materials.