Levi's 501 is over 30 years old
We may find Levi's 501 used jeans very easily in the market for secondhand jeans. But Levi's 501 jeans produced in 1982, you may not find it easily. Because in reality Jeans that are over 30 years old are many people who are still looking for and collecting. In particular, good conditions are often more expensive than Levi's 501 jeans in the dealer. We come to see this old Levi's 501 jeans.
Of course, old jeans may not be as interesting as new jeans today. But for Levi's vintage collectors 501 produced in the 80s is the perfect dress.
This Levi's 501 jeans are older than 30 years. The operating conditions are as in the picture. It has both stale and fading stains, but it's very clear for a costume that conveys a vintage retro look. Which is currently not available for purchase.
Paper labels using Levi's trademarks are used and soaked.
Front button Considered as the unique Levi's 501 jeans for over 30 years, causing rust in some pieces.
The rivet inside the trousers is made of aluminum metal. Over time Causing the rivet to be slightly broken in some pieces But it still maintains its strength Do not fall apart easily.
The maintenance label says the model 501 and the following line is month 1, 1982, and the production site code in America is 524 M.
The seam of the Levi's 501 in 1982 shows the special as "Levi's 501 red jeans"
This back bag is molded with fading into a clear circular mark, indicating that the original owner probably has the idea of wearing jeans.
The corners of the back pocket of the jeans are sewn with black threads. To increase strength.
For seams Levi's 501 jeans, red rim, if viewed from the outside We will see the fading of the seams beautiful and clear. For denim fabric in this era. When the fade occurs, the fabric will be patterned with a small fine pattern.
If anyone wants to wear this Levi's 501 jeans in 1982, wear it. Then have to look in general second-hand jeans shops because sometimes you may find Levi's 501 red line, 1982, beautiful condition, and can match the size that you can fit perfectly.